Cover Image for GDPR Compliance and SAP Data Quality by Inquaero® ANONIMO PII-IM

GDPR Compliance and SAP Data Quality by Inquaero® ANONIMO PII-IM

The GDPR entered into force on 25 May 2018. And so-far nothing new.Question: are we 100% sure that

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Cover Image for Fulfill GDPR Art.17 (“Right to Erasure”): SAP ILM Simplified Blocking and Deletion

Fulfill GDPR Art.17 (“Right to Erasure”): SAP ILM Simplified Blocking and Deletion

Only 8% of Italian companies declares a lack of knowledge in the new European Regulation for Personal Data Protection (the

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Cover Image for SAP GDPR Compliance: Data Masking Vs Data Scrambling

SAP GDPR Compliance: Data Masking Vs Data Scrambling

A Typical Use-Case of Personal Data Protection in SAP Systems Being GDPR the hot topic of the moment, everybody knows

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